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Devon Anders

Position: Deputy Chief of Training and Oeprations
Mailing Address:
101 Lincoln St, Verona, WI  53593
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Deputy Chief Anders began his emergency services career in 2007 after graduating with an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice and working as a police officer for the Wisconsin Dells Police Department. He began volunteering at Deer-Grove EMS in 2009 while completing EMT training at Madison College. He found his passion for helping others in pre-hospital care and continued his EMS training by earning his paramedic certification in 2011. He was hired as a career paramedic with Deer-Grove EMS while volunteering with Cottage Grove Fire Department and working part-time with Cambridge EMS, Blooming Grove Fire Department.

He was promoted to Lieutenant at Deer-Grove EMS in 2021. In January 2025, he joined Fitch-Rona EMS as Deputy Chief of Training and Operations.

Deputy Chief Anders lives in Cottage Grove with his wife Marissa, son Jackson, and daughter Charlee. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, coaching soccer, and cheering on Forward Madison FC, the Milwaukee Brewers, and the Green Bay Packers.  

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